Avangardco IPL (Trade Mark of Kvochka) Wins ‘Word Quality Standards’ Award

Avangardco IPL, a leading Ukrainian producer of chicken eggs trading under the trade mark of Kvochka, wins the ‘World Quality Standards’ award from the annual competition ‘Leaders of Business in Ukraine: Dynamic and Responsibility – 2018’ conducted by the Federation of Employers of Ukraine.

‘World Quality Standards’ is awarded to companies adhering to international standards. Kvochka eggs produced at Avangard’s factory farms are certified to ISO 9001 and 22000, they comply with the highest quality management and food safety standards.

Our laying hens consume compound feed produced at the company’s own feed mills certified to НАССР. Eggs produced by Avangard’s poultry complexes of Avis and Chornobaivske are also Halal-certified.

‘When selecting companies for the ‘World Quality Standards’ nomination, we primarily focused on adherence to international quality standards’, says Ruslan Illichov, Director General of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine. ‘Avangard is one of the leading companies and probably the only Ukrainian company so strongly committed to the quality of its products, Kvochka eggs. To maintain compliance with those standards year after year, Avangardco IPL does not only invest in new equipment but also continuously trains its personnel while upgrading its work processes, and that translates into huge investments. But it’s worth it, Ukrainian consumers and importers from 40 foreign countries can trust the quality of the company’s products’.

In 2018, Avangardco IPL sold over 2.1 billion eggs (of which 1.3 billion in Ukraine), Kvochka-branded eggs are found on the shelves of all major retail chains of Ukraine.

‘It’s a great honour for us to be awarded the ‘World Quality Standards’ designation serving as proof of viability of our strategy focusing on the quality, freshness and safety of our Kvochka eggs’, explains Mariana Konina, Avangard’s Head of Communications. ‘We keep a close eye on global trends in egg farming and processing and work hard to capitalise on them. This year, we have launched a new production line to produce soybean oil and oilcake at one of our feed mills, we have obtained HACCP certification for the mill and completed Halal certification, a sign of our adherence to the highest standards of quality, and we are happy to have been recognised by the Federation of Employers of Ukraine’.

Ukraine’s largest producer of eggs and dried egg products, Avangardco IPL forms part of the UkrlandfarmingGroup owned by the Ukrainian businessman Oleg Bakhmatyuk. The company is comprised of 19 laying farms, 3 hatcheries, 10 rearing farms, 6 feed mills, 3 long-term egg storage facilities, 2 full-cycle poultry complexes of Avis and Chornobaivske, and the egg processing plant Imperovo Foods. The company’s eggs and egg products comply with Halal and are licensed for export to the European Union.

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